Alsvej 5
DK-8940 Randers SV
[email protected]
CVR 6625 5212
Phone |
(+45) 8711 99 99 |
We manage all our logistics from our 900 m² warehouse in Randers, housing more than 2,000 different item numbers. This is also the location of our storage facility for particularly hazardous goods where we stock our most powerful lithium batteries.
The facility is equipped with automatic, fire-protective doors, allowing us to isolate a potential battery fire and maintain normal operations, even if an accident occurs. Optimising your logistics solution to get your consignment to its destination as quickly and as cost-effectively as possible is a matter of course to us.
We ensure safe storage of products and components at all times
Alsvej 5
DK-8940 Randers SV
[email protected]
CVR 6625 5212
Phone |
(+45) 8711 99 99 |
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