Experts for every battery task

Our team of experts at ACTEC possess a wide range of expertise. Some are specialists in the areas of development, testing and compliance, while others are fully versed in logistics and the transportation of dangerous goods. This enables us to provide a wide range of services for your batteries.

Quality control and certification

You can get your batteries tested and analysed at our in-house testing centre, where they undergo everything from stress tests to thermographic examinations. We analyse your data and consider whether optimisation is needed. 

We use quality testing to produce documentation to qualify for various certifications, e.g. if your batteries need to be used for medical devices or similar applications.

Read more about our quality control

Transport and logistics

Do your batteries need to be shipped? Just leave it to us. We manage everything from security to retrieving shipping quotations and compliance with national and international statutory requirements to ensure that your batteries get from A to B quickly and easily.

Read more about transport and logistics